Creative Consulting

Leading is hard.

There are times in your life when leading feels like a great gift and other times feels like a great burden. One moment creative work feels like a flow that takes weight off you, and the next moment, feels clunky and seems to put weight on you.

There are ideas, communication, delegation, implementation, and the ongoing need to connect each part of the process to the whole. You also have to inspire, scale, hire, sustain connection, and consistently take the necessary risks to keep growing.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed.




You can find yourself working harder and doing more, and yet still somehow feeling like you are staying in the same place.

Sound familiar?

What if you can have an experienced leader provide wisdom and compassionate guidance for the journey? What if there's a way to get some clarity on where you are, where you are trying to go, what is getting in the way, and what is required of you to move forward?

This is what creative consulting is about.

Our time together is about getting to the heart and soul of the leadership process. It is to help you see that so often the solutions you are looking for are not technical but relational. Not about process and product, but about people.

I am here so you can lead others well without losing yourself along the way.

This happens through one-on-one sessions with you, teaching or communication spaces with your team, and any other way you can imagine for me to support you and your people. This coaching is almost like therapy for leaders—it is decluttering the living room of your mind, helping you gain clarity, and providing support for the courage required to keep going.

Begin Exploring Here.